类型:爱情片 集数:高清年份:2025别名:先知:亚历山大普希金传|Prorok.IstoriyaAleksandrapushkina
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:EinOktopushatdenMondzerstört|AnOctopusDestroyedtheMoon
简介:Can school be exciting and even fun? The integrative pre-vocational August Sander school in Berlin-Friedrichshain at least seems the perfect place for this. The noise of the cars of the big city can be heard from the distance, birds are singing on the lush green grounds. Lessons here include horticulture, agriculture and animal care. And when you watch the students weed garden plots and feed rabbits, things look extremely enviable at first glance. But of course, even in this paradisiacal place there are conflicts, annoying teachers and the anxious question: What comes after graduation? This documentary follows the school life of a group of pupils with different learning disorders and other impairments over one school year. At its focus are young people who are on the way from training to work, from childhood to adulthood, and struggle to find their place in the narrow regulatory system of school and in society.
类型:海外剧 集数:10集全年份:2020别名:贾姆塔拉:骗你没商量|诈骗大本营(港
简介:本剧改编自真人真事,故事聚焦于印度贾坎德邦詹塔拉市层出不穷的网路钓鱼事件。一群当地年轻人利用电话诈骗,受害者遍及全印度。你也许不认识这群诈骗集团,但他们手中一定有你的电话号码。 只要一通电话,你的一生积蓄就人间蒸发。 诈骗无所不在。
类型:动作片 集数:已完结年份:2005别名:末路狂奔3|pusher3:I'mtheAngelofDeath
简介:In this third installment of the 'pusher' trilogy, we follow Milo , the drug lord from the two first films. He is aging, he is planning his daughter's 25th birthday and his shipment of heroin turns out to be 10.000 pills of ecstasy. When Milo tries to sell the pills anyway, all Hell breaks loose. . - Written by larsthebellhop@ofir,dk
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:2018别名:投向未来
类型:台湾剧 集数:25集全年份:2018别名:高校英雄传|Campusheroes
简介:《高校英雄传》,2018年三立华人电视剧周日十点档系列的第四十四部作品,接档《三明治女孩的逆袭》。本剧由罗宏正、刘宇菁、黄镫辉、黄甄妮领衔主演,王牌娱乐、聚星文创娱乐共同制作,并与醒吾科技大学进行产学合作,部分学生由表演艺术系饰演。 本剧讲述丰川高中,有着来自四面八方的学生,他们自诩是英雄豪杰。陆大翔,原是一名职棒选手,他因缘际会下来到丰川高中,当上了三年八班的导师,原本不被众多老师看好的他,却能因材施教解决了学生一连串的问题,因此被学生们奉为偶像“英雄”,也与冤家辅导室老师唐可欣成为了恋人。
类型:喜剧片 集数:已完结年份:1979别名:真真假假
简介:喜剧,讲一个男人通过装假胡子装扮成兄弟两个人,周旋于女友和未来岳父之间,因为岳父喜欢有胡子的人,认为有胡子的人成熟稳重。 Ramprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma (Amol Palekar) is looking for a better paying job. He and his sister Ratna (Manju Singh) have no relatives or acquaintances except Dr. Kedar (David). Dr.Kedar tells him about Bhavani Shankar's (Utpal Dutt) firm known as Urmila Traders. Shankar is a weird man. He is a man of traditional values, hence he naturally hates youth wearing modern clothes. He is a sports fan, but thinks lowly of youth knowing anything about sports. But his most weird trait is hatred towards men without moustaches. He thinks that men without moustaches are characterless. Ramprasad has a moustache. He takes care of other problems by wearing kurta feigning ignorance about sports. Bhavani hires him immediately. Ram is a hardworking guy, so Bhavani ( Ram) have no problems. However, Ram once takes leave by pretending that his mother (who died many years ago) has taken ill, and goes to watch a hockey match. Bhavani Shankar, who also attended the match, sees him there. The next day Bhavani summons Ramprasad to his office and asks him about the Hockey match. Remembering the plot of a movie a friend of his is shooting, Ram convinces Bhavani Shankar that he had seen his moustache-less identical twin Lucky (alias Lakshmanprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma) at the stadium. Bhavani Shankar buys his argument feels bad about accusing him and decides to make amends by hiring Lucky to teach his daughter Urmila (Bindiya Goswami) music. Ramprasad reluctantly shaves his moustache to become Lucky and starts to teach music to Urmila. He is helped by his actor friend Deven Verma (playing himself). Now Urmila aka Urmi is the exact opposite of her father. She takes immediate liking to Lucky, while Ram is barely noticed by her. Bhavani notices this gives Ram another job to tutor on the pretext of her exams. Meanwhile, Mrs. Srivastav (Dina Pathak), a socialite, is roped to play the part of Ram, Lakshman Ratna's mother. Like Ram, she also ends up playing her own twin in front of Bhavani. Ram decides to tell Urmila the truth. Urmila tells him to tell the truth to Bhavani as well. Ram goes to Bhavani to tell the truth, but Bhavani sees Ram's moustache giving away. Bhavani exposes Ram, but ends up thinking that Lucky murdered Ram impersonated him to marry Urmila. In a hilarious chase that follows, Bhavani ends up totalling a police jeep. The Senior Inspector (Om Prakash) mistakes him for a thug named Pascal D'Costa is about to lock him up in the jail. Only when his Inspector identifies Bhavani Shankar by his real identity is he freed. By now, a harried Bhavani has developed hatred for twin as well. On coming home, he finds that Urmila Lucky are married. He refuses to give them blessings, until Dr.Kedar comes to the scene explains the whole situation. Now, Bhavani becomes even more furious, but on everybody's insistence, relents. The film ends with a family photo of Mrs.Srivastav, Ratna, Urmila, Ram, Dr.Kedar, Bhavani's sister Kalindi (Shubha Khote) Bhavani (who is shown without moustache).
类型:剧情片 集数:47集全年份:1991别名:推手|pushingHands
简介:老朱被儿子晓生从北京接到美国后,不但没享清福,反因与作家儿媳马莎语言不通、在生活习性上有诸多差异,添出许多新愁,倔强的老朱一片灰心,愤然离家出走。 一次偶然事件令美国媒体对老朱的太极绝技称奇,晓生和马莎也在看过电视新闻后找到了老朱,但此时的老朱已明白,处境凄凉总好过晚节不保。
类型:动作片 集数:高清年份:2022别名:沙漠往事|OnceintheDesert
简介:2016 年,俄罗斯雇佣兵沙贝罗夫在叙利亚当排雷工兵,这本该是他职业生涯的顶峰,但他不久就爱上了一名俄叙混血女儿,并决定去沙漠古城拯救她……
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2019别名:狗眼看人心|pushandShove
类型:泰国剧 集数:更新至1集年份:2014别名:功夫霸王|PorKaiJaae
简介:《功夫霸王》由路易斯·斯科特 a Jittapa Jampatom等领衔主演的泰国爱情剧,该剧讲述一对恋人之间的爱情故事。 《功夫霸王》全集http:\/\/www.5233tv.com\/detail\/?13999.html
类型:泰国剧 集数:更新至1集年份:2018别名:花戒指国语
类型:泰国剧 集数:34集全年份:2016别名:游戏幻影国语
类型:泰国剧 集数:34集全年份:2017别名:游戏幻影(泰语)
类型:泰国剧 集数:52集全年份:2018别名:星途叵测泰语版
类型:泰国剧 集数:26集全年份:2017别名:花戒指