类型:海外剧 集数:1集全年份:1999别名:TheScarletPimpernel:ValentineGautier
简介:Series 11."The Scarlet Pimpeel" 2."Valentine Gautier", aka "The Scarlet Pimpeel Meets Madame Guillotine" 3."The King's Ransom", aka "The Scarlet Pimpeel and the Kidnapped King"
类型:欧美剧 集数:1集全年份:2009别名:我的摇滚乐队|我的摇滚乐队
简介:When Tripp Campbell wins a radio contest to meet his favorite band, Iron Weasel, he lands a spot as their new guitar player. Unfortunately, things take an unexpected tu when the band moves into Tripp's house.
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2008别名:祭祀|血祭祀
类型:爱情片 集数:高清年份:2019别名:血色情人节|BloodValentine
简介:Blood Valentine 有 Chris 、Rinrada 和 Korjai。这三人是在 Mr.Raff 的杀手组织工作 。Blood Valentine 有一个规则就是不谈恋爱,但最终 Rinrada 就爱上了 Sun 学长。所以 Chris 才要杀 Sun, 这让女儿和母亲产生矛盾,所有的任务也有影响。使 Mr.Raff 不满意,他让杀手追 Blood Valentine。而 Sun 其实是间谍,他利用Rinrada 做突破口寻找 Mr.Raff 的秘密。
类型:恐怖片 集数:已完结年份:1994别名:异形怪胎2
简介:一个邪恶的生育实验创造了一代扭曲的孩子。 一个无情的女人在破坏这些突变的婴儿之前已经做好了这件事,摧毁了这个世界! 一个母亲和她唯一的朋友在爱之间被撕毁了这个变形的人的排斥,并准备为了生存而战,但这个宝宝不需要爱。 它被编程为不惜一切代价生存。
类型:动作片 集数:已完结年份:1985别名:比利·金传奇
简介:Average Texas teen, Billie Jean Davy, is caught up in an odd fight for justice. She is usually followed and harrased around by local boys, who, one day, decide to trash her brother's scooter for fun. The boys' father refuses to pay them back the price of the scooter. The fight for fair is fair takes the teens around the state and produces an unlikely hero.
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:2013别名:金属党
简介:The story of a heavy metal drummer who blows his eardrums out and must learn to adapt to a world of silence. An introspective journey into the vortex of our senses, tinkering with cinema's boundaries.
类型:动作片 集数:已完结年份:2016别名:夜行盛宴|流动的盛宴
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2012别名:愉悦与苦痛|神风队的爱
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2018别名:巴黎必修课|AParisEducation
简介:Filled with expectations, Etienne moves to Paris from Lyon to study film directing at the Sorbonne. He leaves behind his girlfriend Lucie, promising to call her regularly via Skype. On his course he meets Jean-Noël and Mathias, they too have come to the metropolis from smaller cities and share his passion for cinema. Together they discuss the cinematic canon, read texts by Flau... Filled with expectations, Etienne moves to Paris from Lyon to study film directing at the Sorbonne. He leaves behind his girlfriend Lucie, promising to call her regularly via Skype. On his course he meets Jean-Noël and Mathias, they too have come to the metropolis from smaller cities and share his passion for cinema. Together they discuss the cinematic canon, read texts by Flaubert and Pasolini, and listen to Bach and Mahler. Jean-Noël proves to be an agreeable friend who tries to strengthen Etienne’s fragile self-confidence; Mathias, on the other hand, often comes across as stern, aloof and mysterious. Fond of arguing, he has a habit of disappearing for weeks on end without the others knowing where he is. Nobody gets to see his student film, either. Etienne is particularly crestfallen when he discovers by chance that Mathias shares a secret with Annabelle, an idealistic young woman who lives in Etienne’s shared flat and with whom he is secretly in love. Jean Paul Civeyrac’s tenderly melancholic black-and-white study of these young people’s encounter with art and life is at the same time a declaration of love for classic cinema and the city of Paris.
类型:动画片 集数:高清年份:2023别名:哈莉奎茵:问题多多的情人节特集|HarleyQuinn:AVeryProblematicValentine'sDaySpecial
类型:爱情片 集数:高清年份:2023别名:情人节前7天|7DaysBeforeValentine
类型:爱情片 集数:已完结年份:1970别名:等待伯强格斯|WaitingforBojangles
类型:科幻片 集数:高清年份:2018别名:咒语|咒语
简介:A young American girl has a chance of a lifetime to visit her ancestors castle in the south of France, only to find that her family is hiding deep, dark secrets about their nefarious past, far away from prying eyes.
类型:喜剧片 集数:高清年份:1953别名:于洛先生的假期|妙人异迹
类型:喜剧片 集数:高清年份:2011别名:妙狗拯救万圣节
简介:Zeus & the Bannisters have moved into a new house, just in time for Halloween! When Zeus and George decide to investigate a creepy neighbor , they discover a scary dog , a haunted house and form a surprising partnership with a familiar pair of bumbling burglars . Can Zeus bust some ghosts, find a missing car and face his biggest fear, all in time to go trick or treating? Elisa Donovan and Curtis Armstrong star in this all-new thrills & chills adventure from the creators of The Dog Who Saved Christmas and The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation. ****摘录自挖电影www.52wdy.com
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:2018别名:李尔王
简介:李尔王年事已高,他决定将广袤的国土分给自己的三个女儿科迪莉亚、格纳利尔和里根。李尔王让三个女儿说出各自心中对父王的爱戴,格纳利尔和里根极尽花言巧语之所能,得到了李尔王的赞赏,小女儿科迪莉亚质朴而诚实,反而遭到了无情的驱逐。 失去了家园的科迪莉亚成为了法国的王后,而得到了父亲大片疆土的大女儿和二女儿则将李尔王赶出了家门。直到流落荒野无处可去,李尔王才明白自己犯了天大的错误,他一边责怪自己的愚昧,一边心痛科迪莉亚的遭遇。得知了李尔王的境遇,科迪莉亚组织了军队准备向老家进攻,不幸的是,军队遭遇惨败,科迪莉亚也遭到了逮捕。最终,科迪莉亚被处死,年迈的李尔王在痛苦中亦追随而去。
类型:恐怖片 集数:已完结年份:2020别名:已关注