类型:日本剧 集数:4集全年份:2015别名:泰迪GO!|TeddyGO!
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2019别名:米尔布鲁克的召唤|TheMillbrookSummoning
简介:Four student filmmakers set out to explore an abandoned building famous for its connection with the occult, but as their journey becomes littered with strange behavior and unexplained phenomena, it becomes clear the horror they are attempting to document may already be lurking among them.
类型:科幻片 集数:高清年份:1981别名:巴厘岛的潜修者|MysticsinBali
简介:This extraordinary slice of macabre has its origins in Indonesia not only in that it was shot in Bali but also because the inspiration for the film is based entirely on indigenous folklore. This is a departure in itself as most horror films outside Hollywood are simply rehashed imitations of Western product and western ideas. Films like The Exorcist, Evil Dead and Nightmare on Elm Street have been rehashed to death and it comes as very refreshing surprise to find a film from that doesn't’t borrow from Hollywood at all. Mystics in Bali follows the doomed attempts of a pretty but vacuous American who tries to learn the secrets of the Leyak black magic – known to be the most dangerous black magic in the world or so it is stressed umpteenth times in the tragically dubbed voiceover's. The pretty young thing insists that her local boyfriend Mahendra help her in discovering more about the Leyak Magic and soon enough he takes her into the dark forest area where they encounter the Leyak Queen in all her cackling glory. She seems fairly amiable at first despite the incessant cackling and those rather alarming talons she has for hands…and the poor American, Kathy, is rather taken aback when the Leyak Witch thrusts out her ghastly talons for a western style handshake as she had heard that this is how they do it The Leyak Witch trots off having shaken hands but leaves behind a memento; in the first of countless shockers during this film, the audience and Kathy recoil in abject horror upon finding that the witch departed leaving behind a severed arm to do the handshaking! The severed limb then slithers to the ground and scoots off into the undergrowth leaving Kathy and Mahendra stunned. The next day upon being summoned by the Leyak Witch, Kathy and Mahendra go trooping off into the woods once more…this time they are encountered by the witch hidden behind a bush with only her ten-meter long tongue being visible. She uses her tongue to great effect however; elephant style, guzzling several pints of blood as well as handing over some black magic cloth. The witch scrawls something on Kathy’s leg, supposedly the darkest secrets of the Magic. The next night Kathy is told to return on her own, without Mahendra and finally be inducted into the clan of Leyak Witches. Meanwhile strange things start happening to Kathy such as puking up green muck and live white mice! So she decides that she has learned enough and would like to call it a day with her lessons under the tutelage of the Leyak Witch. Serious problems arise however when it is discovered that the evil witch has no intention of letting poor duped Kathy go and is in fact planning on turning the poor inquisitive girl into a slave-vampire-head which will provide her with fresh hot blood whenever required and restore her youth and beauty forever more. As the horrors mount, it is finally left to Mahendra’s wise uncle and what seems to be the celestial spirit of his dear departed brother to tackle the Leyak Witch and maybe even rescue Kathy who has been enslaved by the blood-lusting witch. The film is a scream from beginning to end despite the atrocious acting, which has been made to appear even worse due to the awful dubbing. There are several sequences in the film that will have audiences gasping in disbelief – not only at the amazing special effects that appear out of the cretaceous period but the mind boggling plot that involves heads flying around through the night in search of fresh baby blood………and in fact an unborn baby seems to be the best nourishment of all as in one absolutely diabolical scene we watch in disbelief as the flying head sucks up an unborn foetus from a pregnant mothers womb! There are other marvels to be amazed by such as a transformation scene where a woman mutates into a set of lips! Other transformations are too horrifying to discuss and then there are those sacred toothpicks planted into a headless living corpse as well as an array of spectacular special effects. This film has the ability to stun even the most jaded horror film fan with its spectacularly strange plot, the magnificent gore and special effects but perhaps the real strength of the film is that its mind-boggling plot is completely home spun and not just lifted from some recent Hollywood hit though there will be those who will recall the moonlight dance routine complete with rolling head by the grave in Evil Dead 2 that was also such a delight. It should be noted at this point that this film was made before Evil Dead ever saw the light of day so the question of borrowing doesn't’t arise. This charming shocker has the ability to “refresh” parts of the body that normal films couldn't hope to reach! Prepare to be amazed and delighted in equal proportions. http:\/\/www.thehotspotonline.com\/moviespot\/holly\/m\/MysticsBali.htm
类型:喜剧片 集数:高清年份:2014别名:爱在异乡|Amira&Sam
简介:An army veteran attempts to assimilate back into a country he barely recognizes while trying to win the heart of an Iraqi immigrant who is on the verge of being deported.
类型:动作片 集数:高清年份:1980别名:亡命大捕头|猎鹿者
简介:由巴兹.库利克导演的该片是史蒂夫·麦奎因的最后遗作,虽然有点 “英雄老矣"的感慨,但他仍将剧中的瑞夫索尔森一角演绎得栩栩如生,入木三分。拍片过程中的高难和危险动作他必亲自上阵,所以给片中的追逐场面增添了几分真实感和刺激感。 该片取材于一个真实故事,讲述一名以追捕通缉犯领取奖金为生的捕头瑞夫索尔森,因长期忙于追捕工作而忽略了与女朋友的关系,致使女友出走。而此时,曾被他逮捕归案的梅森已出狱,他矢志报瑞夫索尔森一箭之仇。他在成功挟持瑞夫索尔森的女友后,两人终于再次对峙。
类型:爱情片 集数:已完结年份:2020别名:眼泪之盐|Premièrechasse
简介:卢克是一名出身平凡的小镇青年,他只身一人前往巴黎求学,在那里邂逅了名为杰米拉的美丽女子,两人之间很快就发展出了一段浪漫的关系。实际上,卢克在老家有一个交往多年的女 友让娜,当卢克返回老家后,他和杰米拉渐渐疏远了,反倒是和让娜旧情重燃,不仅如此,让娜的腹中还怀上了他的骨肉。 一封录取通知书的到来意味着卢克必须离开让娜,返回巴黎继续深造,他抛弃了让娜,并且和一个名叫贝茜的女孩走进了一段新的关系中。被抛弃的杰米拉将整件事情都告诉了卢克的父亲,与此同时,卢克发现贝茜不是一个省油的灯。
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:2019别名:紫色女郎|MissPurple
简介:一位在韩国城做卡拉ok女招待的年轻女子在父亲生命的最后几天与她疏远的兄弟重逢。 卡西住在洛杉矶的韩国城,她是一名卡拉ok女招待,靠酒醉的男人陪伴赚钱。当她父亲的临终关怀护士离职后,她与分居的弟弟凯里重新联系,迫使他们进入了一个强烈的自我反省时期,因为抚养他们长大的单身父亲即将离世。
类型:爱情片 集数:高清年份:2003别名:爱情疑云|爱在大雪纷飞时
简介:乔恩和艾琳娜的婚姻离终点线只差一纸离婚协议了。此刻的乔恩正在机场贵宾休息室里静静等待,等待着日理万机的艾琳娜现身,两人共同完成这场离婚。可是,乔恩最终没能够等到艾琳娜,却等来了乔治和阿瑟这两个陌生男人,他们是艾琳娜的经纪人戴维派来的。 艾琳娜是一位誉满全球的花样滑冰运动员,她用她婀娜而矫健的身姿征服了全世界的评委和观众,此时的艾琳娜正在纽约进行她的首场个人演出。实际上,艾琳娜早已经陷入了焦虑和恐惧之中,她发现了一个针对她的邪恶的阴谋。
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:2014别名:我心略野|雪原迷踪
简介:一架飞机,载着青春女孩麦肯兹从西雅图来到了阿拉斯加。她的母亲因为个人问题,而将女孩送到了自己的弟弟家。这位陌生的舅舅温和可亲,小心翼翼地打消麦肯兹的陌生感和怯懦之心,尽最大努力拉近彼此的距离,但在这一过程中他也越过了不该越过的底线。某次远足途中,压抑着无限情感的麦肯兹决定从舅舅手中逃离。她试图返回西雅图,一路辗转,途中邂逅了饱经风霜的背包客瑞恩•巴特利特。 萍水相逢,忘年的孤独之旅,有些心情悄悄改变,有些人而注定离开……
类型:科幻片 集数:高清年份:2015别名:零号基地|EstadoZero
简介:In the near future, the capital of Sweden has turned into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. we join four soldiers on a routine mission in 'zone 3', with the assignment to investigate an old surveillance tower that just went offline.
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2018别名:热气
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2008别名:杀人理论
简介:七个大学生:爱伯尔、布赖恩特、弗莱迪、麦克、妮可、卡洛斯和爱莉克丝结伴出游,共同纪念他们即将结束的大学生活。 众人来到一个偏僻的乡间别墅,性感的女主人珍妮弗接待了这群荷尔蒙旺盛的年轻人。当晚,他们谈天说地,饮酒作乐。但在夜深人静之时,妮可却被人残忍杀死,小腹上用刀刻下了“TV”的字样。从身边的录像上发现,他们已成为某个杀手的猎物,走出这座房子的办法只有一个,那就是杀死身边的同伴……
类型:恐怖片 集数:已完结年份:1972别名:足迹|侦察
简介:有钱的侦探作家Andrew Wyke邀请了Milo Tindle来到了他富丽堂皇的家中。起初他们相谈甚欢,然而当Andrew指出他知道Milo是Andrew妻子的外遇对象 时,整个气氛开始变得诡异,充满了矛盾。Milo也气定神闲的告诉Andrew,他知道Andrew和一个妓女的风流韵事,并且Andrew的妻子正准备和他离婚。两人针锋相对,唇枪舌剑,互不相让。Andrew提出要和Milo玩一个游戏,Milo答应了。故事的走向渐渐出乎意料......
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:1959别名:春风秋雨|生活的摹仿
简介:罗拉和苏西是一对相依为命的母女。在工作中,罗拉是一位女强人,总是将她的大部分时间都投入到繁忙的职务中,生活里自然而然少了很多对于女儿的关注,久而久之,母女之间的隔阂越来越深。这感情的裂痕在她们都爱上了同一个男人之后,最终导致了悲剧。 安妮是一名黑人女子,而她的女儿莎拉则是混血,莎拉一直以母亲的肤色为耻,这不断的伤害着安妮的感情。然而,母性的本能驱使着安妮一次又一次的原谅的莎拉,并且依然如故的爱着她。
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2007别名:一样的月光|同一月光下
简介:迫于生计,罗莎里奥不得不离开了自己挚爱的儿子卡利托斯,只身前往洛杉矶赚钱养家。临行前,她将卡利托斯托付给了母亲班尼塔,并允诺一定会回来接他。可几年过去,罗莎里奥似乎里当初的承诺越来越远。 班尼塔的去世让九岁的卡利托斯成为了无依无靠的孤儿,然而,和当地诸多相同情况的孩子们不同,他并没有向艰苦的生活屈服,也没有放纵生活一味堕落,一个坚定的信念支撑着他,他决定要远赴洛杉矶寻找母亲。这漫长的旅途充满了艰险,好在有善良的人们出手相助,这段亲情维系的旅程得以画上了完满的句号。
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:1922别名:金色夹鼻眼镜
简介:Sherlock Holmes investigates the murder of an amanuensis who clutches a pince-nez and whose last words were, "The professor--it was she."
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:2019别名:亚博|一家小煮,一家之煮