类型:欧美剧 集数:6集全年份:2010别名:已婚未婚其他|已婚、未婚、其他
简介:一出六部分的浪漫喜剧《结婚,单身,其他》展现了三对情侣在他们恋情的不同阶段间的生活,爱情已经厌恶感,现已由ITV1制作。由Amanda Abbington, Lucy Davis, Shaun Dooley, Dean Lennox Kelly, Ralf Little和Miranda Raison主演。《结婚,单身,其他》是一个由前ITV戏剧总监Andy Harries创立的Left Bank Pictures制作。
类型:欧美剧 集数:连载中待更新年份:2004别名:性交易|SexTraffic
类型:欧美剧 集数:5集全年份:2013别名:碌碌人生第四季
简介:John and Carol are having trouble selling their house when young father Ryan,after a row with his wife,steps off the kerb outside and is killed by a taxi. The area in front of the house becomes a shrine as Ryan's widow Sarah and well-wishers leave flowers and cards but prospective buyers find this off-putting,seeing the road as dangerous. John and Carol hide the flowers when a couple come to view and are accused of selfishness by Sarah. However Carol tells Sarah she feels she is dining out on public shows of grief and should remember Ryan in her heart,not through a shrine. This heals the breach as Sarah offers Carol and John some of the flowers.