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类型:动作片 集数:已完结年份:1992别名:毒海情迷|迷途枷锁
简介:Raynor is an undercover narcotics cop. For his next assignment he chooses the more inexperienced but tough and good-looking Kristen. Their ultimate target is Gaines, a renowned but very elusive drug dealer. While doing their work they unexpectedly fall into a morase of drug-addiction and fall in love with each other. Despite subjecting themselves to the life of low class, one t...   Raynor is an undercover narcotics cop. For his next assignment he chooses the more inexperienced but tough and good-looking Kristen. Their ultimate target is Gaines, a renowned but very elusive drug dealer. While doing their work they unexpectedly fall into a morase of drug-addiction and fall in love with each other. Despite subjecting themselves to the life of low class, one track junkies they do not get the evidence they want to convict Gaines, and instead are forced into using false evidence in court.
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2008别名:街头战士
简介:原美国特种兵杰克•坎贝尔因殴打残酷暴虐的上司而被逐出兵营,落寞的他回到家乡,却发现弟弟乔伊被人打成重伤,昏迷不醒。乔伊的妻子莎拉怀有身孕,为了让妻儿生活幸福,他拼命打工赚钱,结果因赌博欠下巨额赌债,为此不得不在黑市拳组织者波普的安排下参加黑市拳比赛,导致身受重伤。   杰克发誓为弟弟报仇,四处寻找凶手,其高超身手被波普相中。在这个狡猾的组织者的策划下,杰克步入黑市拳赛场,一步步向拳场的王者艾赛亚•格里芬发起挑战……