类型:海外剧 集数:连载中待更新年份:2000别名:UndertheNight
简介:The Commonwealth vessel Andromeda, captained by Dylan Hunt, responds to an urgent distress call to find itself lured into a trap. Nietzschean warships surround them and open fire. Captain Hunt, in a last ditch effort, evacuates the ship and maneuvers toward a nearby black hole. Hunt's first officer, Rhade, a Nietzschean himself, betrays Hunt and attempts to kill him, but Hunt perseveres, killing Rhade in the process. Time dilation near the black hole slows time for the Andromeda and Dylan until a freighter tows it out 300 years later. Dylan now must fight off the band of scavengers attempting to claim his ship as salvage.
类型:欧美剧 集数:22集全年份:2000别名:星舰复国记第一季|星舰复国记
简介:The basic premise of Andromeda - man from an earlier era piecing civilization back together - was the subject of three earlier Roddenberry pilots: "Genesis II" starring Alex Cord, and "Planet Earth" and "Strange New World" starring John Saxon. 长夜已经来临 System联邦,这最伟大的文明已经覆灭 现在,一艘星舰,一组船员将要驱散这黑夜 他们将重燃文明的光芒 在星际飞船Andromeda上,希望再次萌发 Dylan Hunt是仙女座号的船长,仙女座号是Systems联邦的军舰。Systems联邦曾经横跨几个星系。因为遭到同伴的背叛,Hunt和他的船被冰冻了几个世纪。300年后的一次偶然的机会,Hunt被一只救助船只所救,而那时他发现联邦已经覆灭了。Hunt决定乘上他的船,带上船员,环游宇宙,为恢复联邦王国而努力……