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类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2014别名:木叶微尘|BroKenPieces
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:2002别名:像鸡毛一样飞|ChicKenPoets
简介:首都机场附近的某个小镇上,曾经的诗人陈小阳化身黑鸡养殖场场长,一心做着自己场出产的营养黑鸡蛋全部占领北京市场的梦。某日,小镇迎来陈小阳的昔日好友、失败诗人欧阳云飞。在欧阳云飞眼里,宁静的小镇神秘怪诞,正与他的心境相契合。   孤独、有许多怪癖、患有色盲症的小镇姑娘方芳爱上了欧阳云飞,并期望对方能带她离开对她来说只有黑白二色的小镇,但欧阳云飞想的只是如何成名。在一张偶然买到具有神奇魔力的盗版光盘的帮助下,欧阳云飞梦想成真,可是怪事也接踵而来。
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:1986别名:失信的村庄|ThebroKenPromise
类型:泰国剧 集数:15集全年份:2011别名:黄金三人组|黄金剑客三少年
类型:喜剧片 集数:高清年份:2005别名:新欢乐满堂|亲戚麦计较
简介:妻子突然离世的消息让弗兰克陷入了悲伤的情绪中无法自拔,可现实容不得他的沉沦,因为妻子带走了他的幸福和快乐,留下的却是八个古灵精怪的孩子。为了照顾这些孩子,弗兰克可谓绞尽了脑汁,事已至此他才发现,想要驯服一个孩子,可远比在军队中对自己的下属发号施令要复杂和困难的多。   丧妻之痛随着时间的流逝渐渐化为了稀薄的记忆,海伦的出现让弗兰克重新找到了爱情的感觉。海伦是一个带着十个孩子的单身母亲,她和弗兰克的结合意味着他们即将共同抚养十八个性格迥异年龄各不相同的熊孩子!而对于孩子们来说,他们的好戏开始了。
类型:综艺 集数:已完结年份:2020别名:飙舞追梦|我要跳入U
类型:泰国剧 集数:14集全年份:2014别名:逐星之月
类型:欧美剧 集数:已完结年份:2022别名:亿万第六季|亿万风云
类型:泰国剧 集数:全14集年份:2014别名:星月缘|DaoKiangDuen
简介:Darika is the granddaughter of a funeral director. She is a strong hearted and independent young woman who seeks money as her main refuge. Fate just so happens to have her stumbling head over heels when she meets Prajan, a successful man of perfect background and qualities. We find ourselves here again as we return for part two of Dao Kien Duen.The story begins with Darika, a 23 year old woman whose grandfather is a funeral director. Thuwaiwanjak Phuttan, Darika’s best friend, has to go on a business trip for his job. He asked her to look after his condo. Darika does not hesitate and agrees because this is the only time in her life where she gets to stay in a luxurious place compared to her low monthly rented room that she had rented out since she attended college. In addition, the condo is close to her work place which is even more convenient for her. She can save money from traveling expenses and use it for other things. Darika really loves her job because she gets paid well. It makes her happy to be able to fend for herself and not rely on a man.Darika doesn’t take interest in men because she’s afraid that she will experience a failed marriage like her mother’s. Her mother isn’t a very good person because 30 years ago, she fell in love with a police officer and eloped with him, leaving her father to be heartbroken in embarrassment. After a while, his true colors showed and he began to cheat on her. Her mother couldn’t take it anymore and decided to divorce him. She returned back to her father carrying Darika along with her.Darika grew up poor. Her house is made from wood taken from a casket. This resulted in her not having any friends come over because they’re afraid of ghosts. However, this optimistic young girl is not ashamed but instead proud of her home. She thinks it’s unique and very chic in design. Her poor status taught Darika the value of money ever since she was little.Darika spent a couple days at the condo then had to go back to Warang. Her boss is busy preparing for the 50th anniversary since the company’s opening. Mom Luang Chankaan Thatsanai is the head leader. He’s a young man of high status who has graduated with his master’s degree from Harvard at only 26 years of age. He’s the beloved child of Khun Dararai, a reputable and well known person in society. Chan Thatsanai is a charming and famous businessman. Chan is a very formal person who cares a lot about organization. His clothes has to be arranged by the right shades of color.His father gave him time to study and learn about the company for 2 years. After that, he has to accept the position after him and look after the family’s business. Darika currently works at his company and they will eventually cross path. How will the rest of the story play out?
类型:泰国剧 集数:20集全年份:2012别名:影子姐妹2012|แรงเงา
简介:海达和燕玲是样貌一模一样的双胞胎姐妹,但她们的个性却大相径庭,海达涉世未深天真单纯,而燕玲则是成熟独立又坚强的都市女性。   海达的同事缇维深深爱慕着海达,可是海达却偏偏爱上了缇维的舅舅捷那坡。虽然捷那坡已经有了妻儿,但他还是花言巧语的哄骗着海达和他走到了一起,最终,两人的恋情曝光了,海达遭到了众人的羞辱,而捷那坡也信誓旦旦的回到了妻子的身边,知道此时,海达才意识到,自己完完全全的被玩弄了。羞愤交加之中,海达决定自杀,而得知了妹妹的死讯,燕玲决定假扮成妹妹替她报仇。