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类型:海外剧 集数:26集全年份:2024别名:月下禁爱|MomPetSawan,蒙恩萨诗歌,MhomPedSawan,月下禁果,暹罗情史,古暹情诗,扎克里诗歌,深宫幽情,宫锁情丝
简介:根据拉玛三世(Rama III, 1824年至1851年在位)在暹罗(现在的泰国的旧名)统治时期的一首诗,这个故事讲述了女同性恋在皇家后宫的关系。   前宫太子的妃子坤康和忽素,彼此之间都隐藏着超越友谊的感情。他们只能远远地互相照顾,直到前宫经过,苏特被请到桑王子的姐姐维拉斯公主的宏 伟宫殿里服务。只有康(Kham)独自漂泊,最终不得不与父亲卡拉姆(Khram)一起返回家乡安帕瓦(Amphawa)。到底,在感情的事情上,彼此又会如何公平呢?
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:「解体」映像記録|“Unbuilding”DocumentaryFilm
类型:综艺 集数:连载中待更新年份:2018别名:第37届香港电影金像奖颁奖典礼|The37thHongKongFilmAwards
类型:纪录片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:映画が生まれるとき~TIFFティーンズ映画教室2024~|"WhenaFilmisBorn"MakingofTIFF2024:TeensMeetCinema
简介:「TIFFティーンズ映画教室2024」に集まった18名の中学生たちの8日間の軌跡を追う。   撮影:関 瑠惟、空 音央   編集:小林和貴   The Film follows 18 junior high school students during their eight days at the "TIFF 2024: Teens Meet Cinema".
类型:纪录片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:Echt–FilmomalířiJanuMertovi|Echt–TheArtofJanMerta
简介:Jan Merta (1952) is currently one of the most important Czech visual artists. In his painting work, shaped by the postmodernism of the 1980s, he leans towards abstract abbreviation and symbolic depiction of reality through everyday objects. The Film is a snapshot of his life filled with painting, working in his garden and cohabitation with his partner. The civilian camera follows Merta as he prepares an exhibition for which he attempts to create new works. However, his engagement with the current geopolitical situation enters into the work, as well as the discovery of new compositional principles and creative otherworldliness that co-create his enchanted personal world.
类型:纪录片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:JaknatáčetvAfrice!|HowtoFilminAfrica!
简介:This Film essay about cinematographic methods of conquering the African continent uses excerpts from letters exchanged between Zlín and Nairobi between the head of the Film group Jaroslav Novotný and the travel and Filmmaking duo Miroslav Zikmund and Jiří Hanzelka. The subtle manipulation of the footage from their Film Africa I. – From Morocco to Kilimanjaro (1952) highlights the subversive potential of the gaze fixed directly on the camera.
类型:纪录片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:TroskyjednohoFilmu
类型:纪录片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:RessacaBailada–FilmeConcerto|AfterDance–AConcertFilm
简介:After Dance – A Concert Film visually transposes a narrative of many formats shot in a ruined castle, with characters wandering to the sound of tracks from the album Ressaca Bailada, in a movement of both celebrating and questioning Portuguese cultural traditions.
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:CommedansunvraiFilm
简介:Zoé Rivemale Films the making of Dans la peau de Blanche Houellebecq, a shoot in which she is also second assistant director. The position allows her to capture everything; to recount the anecdotes, the encounters, the jokes, but above all the work of the Film crew. It’s a behind-the-scenes look that’s just as funny as the original; a fascinating glimpse into Guillaume Nicloux's working methods (L'enlèvement de Michel Houellebecq, Prix spécial du jury Temps Ø in 2014, Valley of Love, Thalasso, etc.) and the unlikely artistic match of Houellebecq and Gardin. Above all, however, it is a study of the entire technical team, working tirelessly behind the scenes, revealing how such a Film is made. Informative, fascinating and, admittedly, quite comical.   © FNC 2024
类型:喜剧片 集数:高清年份:2017别名:NovyiFilmpromumiyu
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2025别名:未来的电影|AFilmForTheFutureremixexperience,AVisualCompaniontoMoonMusic
简介:The band have just announced a new project called A Film For The Future, the 44-minute visual companion to their worldwide No. 1 album, Moon Music.   The Film will premiere worldwide on YouTube on January 22, with special 360-degree screenings of the Film taking place at Lightroom in London, Manchester and Seoul. Tickets are on sale now here.   The Film was created by over 150 different visual artists from 45 countries. Each artist was given a handful of music snippets from Moon Music and asked to create corresponding visuals. There were no rules or guidelines, and no knowledge of other artists’ creations.
类型:泰国剧 集数:31集全年份:2014别名:囚爱撒旦|miatuern
类型:海外剧 集数:1集全年份:1968别名:RayDayFilm
类型:海外剧 集数:5集全年份:2010别名:2010THEGAME~BoysFilmShow~
简介:去年我社圆满成功的The GAME Event,今年夏天又卷土重来,而且这次人员更齐全,并将在两个城市举办!这次的GAME Film里又会有什么囧死人的故事呢?上次的苏死人大赛会不会继续延续?Event上各位若手又将碰撞出怎样的火花?更多精彩,敬请期待今夏2010 version的全新GAME SHOW!【GAME01】~伝言ゲーム~,【GAME02】~ミラコー☆RPG~,【GAME03】~組長のイス~,【GAME04】~かくれんぼ~,【GAME05】~CLUBファイ~
类型:海外剧 集数:9集全年份:2004别名:東京少女68FilmS
简介:1.東京タワー少女 出演:栗田梨子 監督・脚本:豊島圭介2.寄生木 YADORIGI 出演:宮崎あおい、西島秀俊 監督:高田弘隆 脚本:渡邉睦月3.ライ麦畑でつかまえてでつかまえて 出演:大場麻未、諏訪太朗 監督・脚本:武義4.東京危機一髪 出演:多部未華子、森下能幸 監督・脚本:山本淳一5.彼女の告白 出演:岡田めぐみ、野添義弘、佐藤友紀 監督:古田亘 原作:石川雅之6.臭いものには蓋の日 出演:小出早織、ふせえり、緋田康人 監督・脚本:三木聡7.東京防衛少女紅子 出演:辻美里 監督・脚本:安藤尋8.それっきりだった 出演:黒川芽以、武田航平 監督・脚本:古厩智之9.原っぱ 出演:堀北真希、小栗旬 監督・脚本:古厩智之
类型:海外剧 集数:连载中待更新年份:2011别名:TheVueFilmShow
简介:Edith Bowman presents a new series looking at the week's biggest movie releases, with the gossip from all the UK premieres and some hot-off-the-press celebrity interviews
类型:海外剧 集数:连载中待更新年份:2011别名:55thBFILondonFilmFestival
类型:海外剧 集数:连载中待更新年份:1974别名:TheDo-It-YourselfFilmAnimationShow
类型:泰国剧 集数:14集全年份:2010别名:窈窕教主|单身贵族
简介:窈窕教主由Film,Janie主演.KhwanUma是百万富翁的女性继承人,她是个俏丽,富有,势利,好挑剔,略带神经质的名模,她把家族事业托付给表哥打理,没想到却为自己埋下隐患。机缘巧合下KhwanUma和Thanop相遇,以为他是送外卖小弟,两人见面必发生不快。KhwanUma想开间咖啡厅,让人给其他介绍房屋装修方面的设计师,没想到竟是Thanop,两人开始合作,在一次次的争吵中产生感情。KhwanUma必须要面对她的麻烦了。KhwanUma的公司被表哥转至其名 ,而她母亲也不幸遇难。KhwanUma接受不了这个事实导致失忆。 当Thanop知道后,他担心KhwanUma并且想要帮助和保护她,因此他说谎对她和大家他是KhwanUma的男朋友。
类型:泰国剧 集数:13集全年份:2009别名:爱情糯米粽|MonRukKaoTomMud
简介:这是一部以美食为题材的浪漫喜剧片~~~Pat 和Film 两家是竞争对手,Pat的母亲曾经和Film 的父亲有过婚约,但是在他们结婚前夕,Film 的父亲抛弃了Pat的母亲,他们两家从此就结仇了。Film :在这部泰剧里,我的角色,是一个非常讽刺的人,跟我完全不同类型。他将不断和PAT吵架,因为他们没办法好好相处。这是一部很有趣的全新喜剧。PAT:在这部泰剧里,我扮演的是一个年轻的叫praek的女生,个性非常大胆积极。我和Film 将一天到晚争吵和斗争,他常常要挨我一记耳光。