类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2017别名:巫宅|HouseoftheWitch,NightoftheWitch
简介:A group of high-school kids set out to play a Halloween prank at an abandoned house, but once they enter they become victims of a demonic witch who has set her wrath upon them.
类型:科幻片 集数:高清年份:2015别名:Portal
简介:The ultimate legal high 'Portal' part drug, part social network, just got banned - what happens when the 'lost generation' loses its means to escape.
类型:科幻片 集数:高清年份:1980别名:Hangár|Columbia3:SygrousistispylestouOuranou
类型:海外剧 集数:6集全年份:2018别名:搞事警察第二季
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2010别名:与我相随|跟我来
简介:Anthill Films也许大家并不熟悉,但是喜欢山地车运动的朋友们一定看过The Collective,Roam,Seasons,Anthill Films 正是由此前The Collective的5位核心成员加上一位专门负责产品与市场的新人组成,团队之所以重组就是为了更专注于为大家带来一流的视觉体验,更棒的影片。本片是今年春季发售的,秉承了此前The Collective的一贯风格,美丽的风景,顶尖的车手,急如闪电的身影和飞扬的尘土。重组后的团队力求为大家找回对单车最初的热爱,本片放弃传统的车手单人show,而是基于“不再孤单的骑行”的理念,这也正是片名Follow Me的由来。此片融合了不同类型和风格的车手以及世界各地美丽的自然景观。希望看过影片你能与我相随,忘记柔软的沙发和梆硬的电脑,跨上你落满尘土的山地车一起来运动吧。车手: 萨姆-希尔, 吉-阿瑟顿, 达伦-拜瑞克劳斯, 本-博伊科, 布伦丹-费尔克拉夫, 杰夫-古列维奇, 马特-亨特, 卡姆-麦考尔, 布兰登-塞梅努克, 史蒂夫-史密斯, 库尔特-佐尔格, 托马斯-范德海姆Squamish B.C., May 19th, 2009 – Deep in the coast mountains of BC, a small crew of filmmakers has spent the last eleven months huddled together, planning, scheming and brain-storming to come up with a concept for a new company and mountain bike film. The hard work has paid off and Anthill Films is stoked to announce the release of their premier film FOLLOW ME… Scheduled to be released in Spring 2010, FOLLOW ME… will feature some of the best mountain bikers in the world, including: Sam Hill, Gee Atherton, Brandon Semenuk, Cam McCaul, Thomas Vanderham, Matt Hunter, Ben Boyko, Kurt Sorge, Steve Smith and Geoff Gulevich.The Anthill crew is no new-comer to the world of mountain bike films. Made up of five key members from the award-winning film company the Collective, Darcy Wittenburg, Darren McCullough, Colin Jones, Jonathan Shramm and Sterling Lorence, have been making films together for the past six years. The one new addition is Ian Dunn, who will be holding down the business side of things as Producer/Marketing Director, so the crew can focus on creating the best possible film.“Whenever we start a new project” says Darcy, Creative Director for Anthill and Co-Founder of the Collective “we ask ourselves what we want to do next – we’re always pushing ourselves to come up with new ideas”. When the crew leaed that Jamie Houssain would be pursuing new opportunities outside of filmmaking, the guys decided it was the right time to start something new and build upon what they had already done.FOLLOW ME… will be a natural evolution for the Anthill crew and will give them the chance to explore new ideas and concepts that did not fit within the style of the Collective. “Our goal is to really push ourselves as filmmakers to come up with something completely original” says Darcy. “We want to create a film that is super upbeat and remind everyone why we all love mountain biking”. The film’s central concept is ‘no one rides alone’ – focusing on the idea that the best times we have on our bikes is when we’re riding with our friends. FOLLOW ME… will be filmed completely in HD using the latest camera technology, including the new super high-def Red One camera.Anthill is producing a series of webisodes that will be released over the next year to give everyone the inside line on what’s happening with the film leading up to its release next spring.FOLLOW ME… is presented by Shimano in association with Adidas Eyewear, Bike Parks of BC, Nike 6.0, PinkBike.com and PRO Components.
类型:爱情片 集数:高清年份:2007别名:你杀了我|YouKillMe
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2018别名:恶魔之眼|鬼眼逼人
类型:动作片 集数:高清年份:1982别名:第18号机库|机密18
简介:故事起源于一件UFO掩盖事件。航天飞机与不明物体相撞后,三名航天员中的一人被害,其余二人是唯一目击者。返回地球后,二人开始调查政府企图掩盖的真相,关于外星人与UFO事件…… 第18号机库,虽然并没有获得票房的胜利,但因其巧妙的故事构思,与合理联系了著名的UFO事件等等,使得影片变得出名。十八号机库,现在已经成为描述外星飞碟的专有名词。
类型:欧美剧 集数:已完结年份:2022别名:欢迎来到切彭代尔斯|欢迎来到欲望舞团
简介:Hulu将推出聚焦“世界第一脱衣舞男团”Chippendales的历史和背后丑闻的新剧《侨民》,库梅尔·南贾尼主演并担任执行制作人,Robert Siegel编剧,已直接获预订整季8集。 本剧被描绘为一个疯狂、有黑暗喜剧色彩的罪案故事,南贾尼饰演创办了著名男性脱衣舞秀Chippendales的印度裔美国籍商人Somen "Steve" Banerjee。在1980年代,Chippendales在纽约走红并成为物欲横流的文化现象,而随后出现了多名秀场制作人、舞者和编舞被谋杀的血案,最终,Banerjee供认了纵火、诈骗和被雇佣杀人的罪名。
类型:欧美剧 集数:20111205期年份:2011别名:荒野求爱第一季|荒野求爱
简介:简介: 荒野求爱是NBC今年夏季播出的一档真人速配节目。该片号称幸存者与极速前进的加强升级版。 20对男女配对后被丢在哥斯达黎加的热带丛林里,身上只有一份地图,但是他们却要面临诸多挑战。每一天结束前,获胜者都有机会共享浪漫时光,不过事先他们必须做出选择——是选择和现在的搭档继续在一起还是换搭档迎接明天的挑战。 每一集中,每对组合都将经受身体、精神以及情感上的极限挑战,其中包括自己动手制作木筏、在鳄鱼出没的河流上划行、穿越蝙蝠栖息的恐怖洞穴,甚至还要被吊在距离热带雨林上方200英尺的高空并顺着哥斯达黎加最壮观的瀑布滑到地面……在经历过众多艰险后,参赛者们或许能在彼此身上发现优点,迸发激情,并最终走到一起。 每一轮最先完成任务的组合会获得由五星级“绿洲宾馆”提供的浪漫套房一晚。虽然“绿洲宾馆”外表看起来很简陋,却是全世界所有情侣向往的“浪漫圣地”。而其他人则留在豪华的“木屋宾馆”开展社交活动。 每一集结束时,所有人都将聚到一起来描述他们与现在搭档建立起了哪些方面的联系与共识。假使有人决定换搭档,那么根据任务的完成情况,表现出色的人可以自由选择搭档。而最后剩下的那两个“落单”的人即被宣布淘汰。
类型:海外剧 集数:6集全年份:2015别名:搞事警察第一季|搞事警察
简介:Follows the peripheral players in a major sting operation. The day-to-day realities of cops and criminals are bought to life by some of Australia's best comic actors.
类型:欧美剧 集数:4集全年份:2016别名:街头霸王:复活|街头霸王:复苏
简介:英国一个格斗俱乐部拍的网络剧, 这里是第一季全集,剧情承接游戏街头霸王5, 但有一定的改编. 满满的阳刚之气. 剧情详细: "影法组织"死灰复燎, 发明"恶动波炸弹", 意图主宰世界. 国际刑警收到消息, 找到隆和肯, 想挫败拜森的阴谋. 另一股势力搅入局中, 一群疯狂的科学家复活战死的纳什少校, 派他夺取炸弹, 并广罗人手, 想将这武器据为已有. 三方势力剑拔弩张, 一场大战不可避免.
类型:欧美剧 集数:10集全年份:2017别名:雪镇疑杀第二季
简介:A fresh murder rocks the town, plunging the remote outpost into new turmoil.
类型:欧美剧 集数:30集全年份:1966别名:时间隧道|时光隧道
简介:美国政府制定一项计划,拟花费七十亿美元,建造一台可以提供时空旅行的机器。一位参议员被国会派去检查该项目进展情况,以决定政府是否继续资助这计划。由于项目的进展令议员很失望,因而项目负责人之一托尼决定以身涉险,使用“时光隧道”进行了一次短途的时光履行,回到了过去,以证明该装置的效能。 [集数]: 共30集 第1集《回到过去》 第2集《月球单程票》 第3集《世界末日》 第4集《天火》 第5集《最后的巡逻》 第6集《末日火山》 第7集《诸神复仇》 第8集《屠戮》 第9集《恶魔之岛》 第10集《恐怖统治》 第11集《秘密武器》 第12集《死亡陷阱》 第13集《阿拉莫边城英烈》 第14集《长刀之夜》 第15集《登陆》 第16集《罗宾汉的复仇》 第17集《死亡游戏》 第18集《天外来客》 第19集《尼录的复仇》 第20集《耶利哥之墙》 第21集《死亡面具》 第22集《比利小子》 第23集《死人岛的海盗》 第24集《时间追捕》 第25集《战争狂人》 第26集《野蛮人的进攻》 第27集《梅林巫士》 第28集《绑架》 第29集《外星人入侵》 第30集《恐怖镇》 制作公司: 美国广播公司 [美国] 20th Century Fox Television [美国] Irwin Allen Productions Kent Productions Inc. 发行公司: 美国广播公司 [美国] 二十世纪福斯家庭娱乐公司 [美国] 20th Century Fox Television [美国] World Beyond Video 艾美奖 Emmy Awards 第20届 提名 ·其他和技术类奖项-Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography Winton C. Hoch 美国广播公司 American Broadcasting Company For episode "Raiders in Outer Space" . 第19届 美国广播公司 American Broadcasting Company
类型:欧美剧 集数:3集全年份:2018别名:氏族崛起第一季
简介:Scotland's ancient clans are renowned as some of the most legendary warriors in history - fierce tribes forged by the country's wild mountains and glens. This is their thrilling story of heroism and villainy, featuring Scotland's most iconic characters - from Robert the Bruce to Mary, Queen of Scots. Find out how the united clans defeated Europe's greatest military power to claim Scottish independence, and how they used their influence to topple rulers and change the course of history. This is the real-life Scottish game of thrones: an epic struggle for power, told from the point of view of the feuding clans.
类型:欧美剧 集数:4集全年份:2016别名:亨利八世和他的六个妻子|亨利八世和他的六位妻子
简介:The Six Queens of Henry VIII is the story of the Tudor King, rich in emotional and psychological drama, brought vividly to life through lavishly realised dramatic reconstruction and the duelling perspectives of two of Channel 5’s most vibrant historians. Suzannah Lipscomb and Dan Jones will lead us through the web of intrigue, scandal, romance, lust, betrayal and tragedy that characterised Henry’s six marriages. Suzannah and Dan will view the dramatic events of each union from the perspectives of man and woman, King and Queen. In each episode, Henry VIII and His Six Wives will bring to life the experiences of Henry’s Queens to see what they saw, feel what they felt, each time capturing Henry at a different stage of his life and reign. From the vigorous Renaissance prince eager to step out of his father’s shadow to the anxious middle-aged man desperate for an heir, to the irascible elder statesman in need of love and affection, the series will chronicle Henry’s life choices.
类型:欧美动漫 集数:更新至第25-26集年份:2004别名:忍者神龟第三季
简介:It's down and dirty time. Splinter is imprisoned. Leo is dying of poison. Don and Usagi are fighting for their lives and the life of the Daimyo against a horde of assassins.
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2014别名:圣诞好莱坞
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:2022别名:一个母亲