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类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:她杀之心|LaHomicida
类型:动画片 集数:高清年份:2019别名:自行车总动员|单车总动员,BikestheMovie
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:Huaquero
简介:On the coast of Ecuador and Peru former huaqueros (from huaca, meaning “holy place or object”) recall the period when they were involved in the illegal excavation and trade in prehispanic archaeological objects. In a conscious exploration of the boundary between fact and fiction, the film features re-enactments of the huaqueros’ experiences.   Some of the objects sold were genuine, but swindle was also involved: objects were either secretly repaired or were completely faked. We see the clay for one such replica being carefully and precisely shaped, finished and treated to make it look ancient.   The filmmakers use the washed out colors of 16mm film to evoke the nostalgia surrounding 20th century travel films and implicitly show how the culture of indigenous communities suffered under colonial rule. By focusing on the human excavators and their stories, Huaquero stays close to the local perspective.
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:LaHijadelPacífico|OroAmargo,BitterGold
简介:Carola is 16 and dreams of a higher education and a house by the sea, but lives with Pacifico, her father, in the middle of the Atacama Desert. Together with a small group of miners, they work the artisanal Cobra gold mine to survive. Father and daughter hide a treasure from the others: a vein of gold on which they secretly work at night. Like everyone else, they want to change their destiny. One day a miner discovers their secret and violently breaks into the gold mine. Carola decides to challenge the patriarchal structures and laws of the jungle as well as her own immaturity to continue the pursuit of her longed-for dream.
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:Lainfiltrada|Undercover
简介:Se trata de una película basada en la historia real de una agente de la Policía Nacional que en los 90 y cuando contaba apenas 20 años de edad, consiguió infiltrarse en la banda terrorista ETA presentándose como militante del Movimiento de Objeción de Conciencia de Logroño. Fue la única mujer que convivió en un piso con dirigentes del grupo terrorista, y se la conoció por el pseudónimo de Aranzazu Berrade Marín.   Infiltrada será una producción de Bowfinger International Pictures (Padre no hay más que uno o A todo tren) y Beta Fiction Spain, filial española del grupo alemán Beta, que se encargará también de la distribución en nuestro país. El proyecto lleva años gestándose y Durante su infiltración no se vio obligada a cometer ningún delito e hizo posible la desarticulación del comando Donosti en un momento crucial en el que la banda declaraba falsamente estar en tregua. La película reflejará, no solo la peripecia narrativa de la acción, sino también el retrato psicológico de una persona que se vio obligada a cortar totalmente lazos familiares para interpretar alguien que no era. Es la historia de una mujer valiente, que cambió su vida, para intentar salvar la de otros.   “Cuando mis productoras me hablaron de Aránzazu inmediatamente mi mente se trasladó a los años 90, a ese País Vasco descerrajado, donde las últimas bocanadas de un conflicto ya sin sentido seguían acumulando víctimas inocentes. Vi a esa chica, una policía novata, infiltrada en un mundo de asesinos donde un solo error significa la muerte”, ha declarado Arantxa Echevarría sobre Infiltrada.
类型:喜剧片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:TheParty’sOver|FinDeFiesta
简介:The synopsis introduces us to an African emigrant who hides in the shed of a manor house in Andalusia, from where he observes daily life and the dynamic between the lady of the house and her young housemaid. One day, he is found out by the former and, sometime later, by the latter as well, but each one hides him from the other, until an unexpected event blows the lid off the secret.
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2017别名:莫拉桑
简介:Francisco Morázan has been in Costa Rica for five months where he has been appointed Provisional Chief of State. It has called for elections to install a National Constituent Assembly, which should be a legal structure to the Costa Rican state. The Assembly has decreed the validity of the constitution of 1825, the same as that of the Central American Federation; It has declared the accession of Costa Rica to the Republic of Central America. Two months later Francisco Morazán is shot one afternoon on September 15, 1842.
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2018别名:寂静庄园|孽欲家族,寂静,TheQuietude,安宁庄园
简介:莊園名字叫安寧,但不安的陰影揮之不去。擁有莊園的老父面臨訴訟,突然中風昏迷。大女兒長居國外,匆匆回到老家,以懷孕的心情,跟母親和妹妹重聚。三母女看似和睦,姊妹更長得像餅印,甚至同床自慰,卻原來暗湧處處。經常停電的大宅,埋着屈辱與妒忌,以及不可告人的家族秘密。《綁票家族》(40 屆)導演查比羅借家庭恩怨,重提阿根廷軍政府時期的骯髒歷史,更有貝妮絲碧祖與導演妻子馬蒂娜古斯曼互拼演技,火花四濺。
类型:恐怖片 集数:已完结年份:2017别名:红色夏天|RedSummer
简介:Four young people come to Mallorca to enjoy idyllic summer holidays, but delving into the most inhospitable places on the island will begin a hellish journey.
类型:战争片 集数:高清年份:1939别名:Carmenfrairossi
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2017别名:猴子农场|猴场
简介:An exploration of what happens when human curiosity and animal rage collide. This low-budget, high-concept thriller presents a different kind of antagonist, and the same well-meaning-but-doomed kids you love to cheer for as they meet their grisly ends.
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2013别名:印第安人
类型:海外剧 集数:连载中待更新年份:1958别名:ZorroSeason2
类型:动画片 集数:1集全年份:1983别名:布偶奇遇记|JimHenson'sFraggleRock
简介:有一天,Mumu正和她的朋友们Milo,Rita,Talalo,Alfred和Olga玩耍,忽然发现了一群雪白的羊群,她忍不住将自己的朋友们 和雪白的羊群之间进行比较.布偶们全部用不同的布拼接而成,它们身上有着五颜六色的花点, 在田间水坑中玩耍.Mumu为她的伙伴们感到丢脸,她妒忌那些光鲜的羊,甚至觉得自己作为一头特别的母牛,正将自己的大好光 阴浪费在那些错误的朋友身上.
类型:欧美剧 集数:150集全年份:2007别名:给我巧克力
简介:主人公Rosita Amado Rodríguez是一个相貌丑陋的羞涩女孩,但她立志找寻自己的爱情和自信。她和她的一群穷亲戚们居住在一个叫作Xochilcacahuatel的村子,那里的人都崇拜玛雅古老的偶像Ek Chuah。她的祖父被喻为“巧克力之王”,但不幸的是老人家过世了,只把他的巧克力秘方留给了孙女Rosita。Rosita身材不错,但却长了一只大鼻子和一对龅牙。她带着祖父留下的秘方,去到一家甜品公司任职,然后她疯狂的爱上了英俊迷人的巧克力大亨Bruce Remington,他将接任母亲的职务,成为这家糖果公司的老总。但是Bruce的母亲Grace,一个尖刻的老女人,野心家,却声称该公司已经处于破产的边缘,同时暗地里实施各种诡计,来拆散Rosita和Bruce,然后占有Rosita的秘方和她爷爷留给她的所有东西。最终Bruce才发觉他真心地爱上了这个丑女孩Rosita,但为时已晚,因为他妈妈已经准备谋杀Rosita了。幸运的是Rosita没有让这个老女人的野心得逞,她不但没有死,还做了整形手术,重新回到了糖果公司,回到了这个老女人面前,她决心夺回自己失去的东西。同时,一个叫作Ángel的家伙再次威胁Rosita,Rosita越来越认识到了这个世界存在的更多的东西--阴谋、诡计,还有浪漫和幸福,而一切邪恶的东西在她看来,都是那样的不起眼,因为她发觉自己的生命中只有两样东西:爱,和巧克力。From Sideboy
类型:欧美剧 集数:19集全年份:2016别名:面对面第二季|克鲁兹风云
简介:女主马卡蕾娜是一个为爱奋不顾身的女人,爱上不该爱的人— 她的老板, 被其指控犯有诈骗,携款潜逃等多项罪名,被关进了南科鲁兹私人监狱.。本剧讲述了她在狱中复杂的人际关系,与对头祖蕾玛,室友所蕾莉斯还有狱警法比奥等等,交织出了一张爱恨情仇的大网。
类型:欧美剧 集数:6集全年份:2021别名:迷路的花花公子|迷失的娘娘腔
简介:The coming-of-age story of a town boy in search of his own identity.
类型:欧美剧 集数:13集全年份:2020别名:仁医莎姆|好莎姆
简介:  CBS预订了Katie Wech负责执笔的家庭+医务题材试映集《仁医莎姆 Good Sam》,剧中讲述女主Sam是个有才华但被看扁的外科医生,当她那知名﹑自负的上司昏迷后女主接手成为了外科主任。但现在那上司苏醒过来后想再次执刀,女主只好担负了监督他的责任,毕竟那个上司是她老爸。曾在《芝加哥警署 Chicago P.D.》演出的Sophia Bush饰演女主Sam,她和父亲Griff在同一家医院工作,Sam从来没法取悦父亲,亦未曾被承认过才华。成为了外科主任的她因为父亲想再次负责手术,成为监督的女主生活因此翻天覆地过来。
类型:海外剧 集数:10集全年份:2019别名:穿越时空的女巫第一季|ΓιαΠάνταΜάγισσα
简介:卡门是一名奴隶也是女巫。她今年 19 岁,即将被绑在火刑柱上处死,因为她犯下了不可饶恕的罪行:爱上一名白人。不过,一名年长的男巫为她提供了得救的办法 — 穿越时空,去往没人相信女巫存在的地方。如果卡门答应放弃使用法力,就能获得穿越能力。卡门同意并发现自己置身于当今的哥伦比亚,开始了新的生活,认识朋友,甚至去上了大学。但是,一日为女巫,终身为女巫。
类型:海外剧 集数:8集全年份:2020别名:穿越时空的女巫第二季|Alwaysawitch
简介:17世纪穿越时空的女巫逃离死亡,来到了现代的卡塔赫纳。 这是改编自 isadora chac n 的小说“ yo,bruja”