类型:欧美剧 集数:102集全年份:2012别名:利兹·贝内特日记第一季
简介:A modern day retelling of Pride and Prejudice, the series is told in vlog-style by Lizzie Bennet as she narrates the trials and tribulations of her family life with the help of her best friend and aspiring filmmaker, Charlotte Lu, "practically perfect" older sister, Jane, and easily excitable younger sister, Lydia. As in Pride and Prejudice, Lizzie's mother is all too eager to marry her and her sisters off to rich men, so when wealthy medical student Bing Lee moves into the neighborhood and manages to woo Jane, it changes the entire dynamic of the family. It isn't long before Bing's even more wealthy friend and heir to an entertainment corporation, the mysterious Darcy, makes his way into the Bennet sisters' lives, too. Written by lizziebennet
类型:喜剧片 集数:高清年份:2017别名:即兴之旅
简介:Stuck with vacation reservations in her ex-boyfriend's name| Amy Tyler decides if she can't change the tickets...why not change the guy?
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2017别名:奥古拉斯之死
简介:深夜一通电话惊醒了安娜。传来一个令所有父母惊恐的消息:她20岁的儿子,奥古斯特,从高楼上坠落下来了。安娜苦苦寻找儿子死因背后的隐情。她来到了事发的城市,必须解开奥古斯特生活的谜团,一点点收集导致这个残忍结局的线索。警察断定奥古斯特之死属于自杀,并送来安慰和慰问。始终无法接受她独子的离去,她努力克服对儿子疏远的愧疚感并住进了奥古斯特以前的公寓。在那里她见到了公寓的主管 乔娜斯,尽管乔娜斯开始显得十分谨慎,但是她还是跟安娜建立了暂时的联系,在这个离奇疏远的世界里渴望爱和陪伴的人。很快,安娜发现奥古斯特的死并非是那些满脸倦态的警察口中所说的自杀。 她特意查找了与高古斯特来往频繁的重要人物,并发现了一帮地下党,很可能与奥古斯特之死有关。这一侦查将她带入了生死攸关的险境,但是她不能退出,必须跟那帮恶棍斗争到底。