类型:欧美剧 集数:13集全年份:1972别名:Villains第一季
简介:Villains was a British anthology series of thirteen standalone plays first shown in 1972.These plays could be seen as pieces in a patchwork, each having its own particular identity but all joining together to give an overall picture.Nine men move into a disused ladies lavatory and seal themselves in for the weekend.Then they tunnel their way up through the floor of a nearby City bank, and walk out clutching a third of a million pounds between them.It seems the perfect job - but something goes wrong.Most of the men are subsequently caught and convicted.One year on, as the Bog Robbers are being driven from prison to the Appeal Court, another ingenious plan is put into action.It sees them going on the run, taking desperate, sometimes farcical measures to evade recapture, and finding time to reflect on their shady pasts and uncertain futures.It is told from the point of view of the criminals, the individual stories of the men, their accomplices, their women and the audacious heist itself unfold through each of the 13 episodes.
类型:动画片 集数:已完结年份:1995别名:小狗波图|雪地灵犬
简介:一只半狼半犬的狼狗贝托,于19世纪末在阿拉斯加受到人们及爱斯基摩犬的排挤。不晓得自己属于何种族群的贝托,身边只有四位好朋友:美丽的爱斯基摩犬珍娜、聒噪却善良的企鹅波利斯、害羞可爱的北极熊木克及路克。虽然贝托的“杂种”身分与他们格格不入,但他的好友在意的并不是他的外型 系列之二:http:\/\/movie.douban.com\/subject\/1423003\/ 系列之三:http:\/\/movie.douban.com\/subject\/1422993\/