类型:欧美剧 集数:6集全年份:2020别名:绝夜逢生第一季|向黑夜进发
类型:喜剧片 集数:高清年份:2022别名:最后一支舞|BorntoDance
简介:A contemplative retiree, Germain, suddenly finds himself a widower at 75. He doesn’t even have time to catch his breath before his family interferes in his daily life: constant visits and calls, pre-arranged meals... His life becomes timed like a Swiss watch! But Germain’s mind is elsewhere. Honoring a promise made to his wife, he is propelled into the heart of a contemporary d... A contemplative retiree, Germain, suddenly finds himself a widower at 75. He doesn’t even have time to catch his breath before his family interferes in his daily life: constant visits and calls, pre-arranged meals... His life becomes timed like a Swiss watch! But Germain’s mind is elsewhere. Honoring a promise made to his wife, he is propelled into the heart of a contemporary dance creation...
类型:喜剧片 集数:已完结年份:2019别名:神秘的亨利·皮克|亨利先生的秘密
简介:故事发生在一间退稿图书馆中,顾名思义,这座图书馆专门接收遭到了编辑拒绝的书稿,让这些浸淫了作者苦心和汗水的书稿有能够被人阅读的机会。费德里科是一名郁郁不得志的作家,某日,他和女友黛富妮一起来到了退稿图书馆,在一堆废纸中,两人发现了一本名为《一段爱情故事的弥留时刻》的小说,作者署名为亨利皮克,而他已经去世了。 黛富妮是一名编辑,职业的敏感让她察觉到这是一本不可多得的好书,于是决定将它出版。为了获得版权,费德里科和黛富妮拜访了皮克的遗孀,就此,一个悲哀又充满了温情的故事拉开了序幕。