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类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2008别名:中央舞台2
简介:凯特(蕾切尔•史密斯Rachele Smith饰)是个执着追求芭蕾舞梦想的女孩,她未经受过任何专业训练,通过录像带模仿练习,舞技出众。其父沉迷博彩不关心凯特,但是妹妹却力挺她完成梦想。她来到美国芭蕾舞学院面试,然而主考官里弗斯(彼得•盖勒 Peter Gallagher 饰)出于功利放弃了她,选择了名门之后。然而,凯特的舞技还是令人侧目,特别是另一考官库伯(伊桑•斯蒂菲尔 Ethan Stiefel 饰)和入选者汤米(肯尼•沃曼德 Kenny Wormald 饰)。前者曾为她据理力争,而后者则对她一见倾心。后来,因为在夜店一段即兴的HIP-HOP表演,凯特得到了一个HIP-HOP俱乐部的工作机会。同时,汤米开始与她约会,两个人都怀揣着对芭蕾的梦想,所不同的是前曲棍球运动员汤米转型成功,而自学成才的凯特却历经艰难……
类型:喜剧片 集数:已完结年份:2017别名:名声大噪
简介:“Sally Carmichael” will shoot in Utah this summer. Gorham will portray an author who is ashamed to have secretly written an incredibly popular series of young adult romance novels that chronicle the epic love story between a human girl and a merman — all under the pen name, Sally Carmichael. When he is forced to meet a top box office star about the movie adaptation of a Sally Carmichael book, the author’s carefully built life of anonymity starts crumbling down around him.