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类型:海外剧 集数:连载中待更新年份:2011别名:补标大胖考2010
简介:The 2010 show was recorded on 13 December and aired on 3 January 2011. The teams were:Wagner: Jonathan Ross and Ruth Jones Posh & Specs: Michael McIntyre and Alan Carr The Electric Moccasins: Richard Ayoade and Noel Fielding Guest questions were provided by Nicole Scherzinger, Jack Black, Simon Pegg, Russell Brand, Seth Rogen, the cast of Misfits and Will Ferrell. The children of Mitchell Brook Primary School made their annual appearance acting out news stories, which included the Stig scandal and the Icelandic volcano eruption, as did Jon Snow with his fake news reports of popular songs. Lola, the cat put in a wheelie bin in August by Mary Bale appeared as a Mystery Guest. Louie Spence posed a question in the form of a dance routine representing the story of the trapped Chilean miners.
类型:欧美剧 集数:4集全年份:2016别名:国家淫才
简介:Channel 4预定四集性丑闻剧集《国家淫才》。该剧虚构一个国宝级人才,因为性侵而被指控。该剧以调查案件以及开庭审判为主线,探讨加害人与受害人的心理。该剧由Jack Thorne创作,定于明年播出。新闻稿指,该剧取材于真人真事。讲述Paul Finchley曾主演现象级喜剧,广受观众喜爱,尽管淡出荧屏很多年,依然会被群众认出,是一个演艺界的国宝人才。但是,突然被揭发自上世纪70年代开始性侵女性。除了Paul受到铺天盖地媒体报道以及警方深入调查而困扰,还有出庭指控现已50岁的受害者也受到了同样待遇。
类型:欧美剧 集数:7集全年份:2007别名:周五夜计划第四季|周五黄暴夜
简介:Hirsute funnyman Justin Lee Collins and cheeky funster Alan Carr get the most from a medley of hosts by way of quizzes, chat, sketches, pranks and live music
类型:欧美剧 集数:6集全年份:2020别名:考驾照的那些事儿第一季
简介:Big changes have been made to the driving test with new manoeuvres, written tests and new technology being introduced. Filmed over a 2-year period we follow candidates taking the test with cameras fitted inside and outside of the test car.   本片将追踪记录英国最可爱的驾驶学习者。如果能通过驾驶考试,他们的生活将被彻底改变。从希望能在定制改装车中实现独立的20岁残障人士,到不想乘坐夜间巴士回家的老奶奶,这些充满希望的英雄们都渴望着成功通过驾驶考试。在每一集的《考驾照的那些事儿》中,我们都会追踪记录三个性格迥异的人是如何为考试做准备的。他们的家人和朋友则会在考试当天观看令人紧张的考试直播。轻松的解说则突显了这些鼓舞人心的故事主人公的内心世界和幽默感。
类型:欧美剧 集数:全6集年份:2023别名:转场追忆:艾伦·卡尔的80年代第一季