类型:欧美剧 集数:5集全年份:2020别名:碌碌人生第十一季
简介:由多位获奖作家吉米·麦戈文创作的BBC One备受赞誉的日间系列剧《继续前进》将于今年3月重返BBC One和BBC iPlayer,推出第十一部系列剧,共有五部强大而感人的新剧。重要的、当代的问题——从体育运动中的同性恋恐惧症到监狱标签和裁员的细微差别——被编入五个普通人的故事中,他们的生活已经走到了十字路口。在作家曼迪·雷德弗斯·罗执笔的《第二集》中,东区明星凯茜·安斯沃思扮演的维姬恢复了视力,给她和她的家人带来了无法预料的后果。马克·艾迪在《钢铁侠》中扮演橄榄球联盟传奇人物乔希,一个深受爱戴的当地英雄,正被前妻勒索;而在《多余的朱莉·格雷厄姆》中扮演波琳,一个不会被吓倒的女人——即使她的生命掌握在管理顾问的手中…Neve McIntosh是一个失去亲人的母亲,她在这个令人心碎的家里与一个无家可归的年轻人形成了一种依恋,而汤姆McKay则在协商一种新的生活和一种新的关系——被他的监狱标签所破坏。该剧的创作者吉米·麦戈文说:“十多年来,继续前进为白天的观众带来了真实而发人深省的戏剧,利用一流演员和新老作家、导演的才华,讲述有关普通人生活中不平凡时刻的故事。“这部最新的连续剧也不例外,我相信观众一定会充分享受我们卓越的团队汇集的五个精彩故事。”《编程与白天》的负责人丹•麦戈平表示:“吉米•麦戈文的《继续前进》将带着五个原创且感人的故事回归,这些故事都是由一群才华横溢的人撰写、导演和表演的。BBC一台和BBC iPlayer的观众不会失望,这是迄今为止最好的系列之一。”洛杉矶制片公司创始人兼制作人科林•麦基翁补充道:“我们再次为我们为最新一系列活动组建的团队感到骄傲。无论是行业老手还是新人,他们都非常出色地将这些强大的故事带到了生活中,我迫不及待地想与观众分享这五部新剧集。”
类型:欧美剧 集数:5集全年份:2011别名:碌碌人生第三季
简介:Milkman 'Bugsy' Maloney gives local children rides on his float until young Dylan falls off and hits his head. There is no lasting damage and the boy's mother Ali knows it was an accident but she has money problems and allows herself to be talked into suing the dairy by her mother and thuggish ex-husband Clive,who moves back in with her to ease her financial burden. At a meeting at a solicitor's Bugsy is prepared to admit liability but Ali will not allow him to be sacked over a trumped up claim and ends up having to make a compromise.
类型:欧美剧 集数:5集全年份:2009别名:碌碌人生第一季
简介:Airs: BBC-1 Status: New Series Genre: Drama Plot Outline: Moving On is a new series of five unique, contemporary dramas starring Shelia Hancock, Richard Armitage and Joanne Frogatt. The series entitled: The Rain Has Stopped, Bully, Drowning Not Waving, Dress To Impress and Butterfly Effect will be stipped over seven days and each focus on the issue of moving on.
类型:欧美剧 集数:5集全年份:2013别名:碌碌人生第四季
简介:John and Carol are having trouble selling their house when young father Ryan,after a row with his wife,steps off the kerb outside and is killed by a taxi. The area in front of the house becomes a shrine as Ryan's widow Sarah and well-wishers leave flowers and cards but prospective buyers find this off-putting,seeing the road as dangerous. John and Carol hide the flowers when a couple come to view and are accused of selfishness by Sarah. However Carol tells Sarah she feels she is dining out on public shows of grief and should remember Ryan in her heart,not through a shrine. This heals the breach as Sarah offers Carol and John some of the flowers.
类型:动漫 集数:更新至48集年份:2007别名:忙忙碌碌镇
简介:忙碌碌镇Busytown Mysteries这系列动画借用了Richard Scarry最出名的系列故事书Busytown中的地点和人物角色。从故事风格来讲,忙碌碌镇Busytown Mysteries跟福尔摩斯或柯南的片型相似,属于侦探片。只是,忙碌碌镇Busytown Mysteries的话题相对轻松些,是生活琐事类地侦探片,不血腥也不暴力