类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:放手再爱|LetGo
简介:故事围绕斯特拉(约瑟芬·伯恩布什 饰)展开,讲述的是发现人生中真正重要的东西。生活的一切都在斯特拉的掌控之中 — 除了不断寻求关注的小儿子、情绪不稳的青春期的女儿,以及与她缺乏沟通的丈夫。当斯特拉收到一条改变一切的消息时,这个家庭走到了破裂的边缘。她决定和家人一起去旅行,并完成不可能的任务:让全家再次凝聚到一起。
类型:纪录片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:隐者山河|HiddenLandscapes
简介:《隐者山河》记录了旅法华人作曲家陈其钢对艺术和人生的求索过程。这是一部音乐纪录电影,也是一次有现实意义的文化巡礼。作为一位在中法文化氛围中成长起来的音乐家,陈其钢以独特的视角,传递出耳目一新的观念。 影片以记录陈其钢在中国浙江·丽水的隐居生活和访谈为基点,跟随陈其钢近年来在全球不同国家上演的音乐作品和排演过程为主体内容,以近乎散文诗的方式,将陈其钢的人生经历和音乐作品耦合,分布成六个乐章——归隐、肖像、迁徙、创作、躬耕、如戏,观众既可以透过音乐和影像,感受陈其钢的音乐魅力,也可以身临其境体验音乐家诚实自由的思想表达,领会艺术的秘密所在。
类型:动作片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:离开已久的英雄
类型:喜剧片 集数:已完结年份:2017别名:双龙会2|双龙会2:心灵感应
简介:马尔霍特拉(萨钦·克德卡 Sachin Khedekar 饰)的妻子幸运的怀上了双胞胎,就在这两个小婴儿呱呱坠地的时候,邪恶的罪犯查尔斯将其中的一个孩子掠走了,在被警方追捕的过程中,查尔斯将婴儿丢掉了,幸运的是,孩子被一位名叫卡茜善良的女人所收养取名拉贾(瓦伦·达万 Varun Dhawan 饰),而马尔霍特拉则带着另一个孩子普瑞姆((瓦伦·达万 Varun Dhawan 饰))前往英国伦敦以躲避罪犯的继续侵害。 一晃眼多年过去,普瑞姆成长为了一个懦弱的男孩,而拉贾则变身成为孟买当地的小霸王,兄弟两人的性格可谓是大相径庭。因为普瑞姆和拉贾是双胞胎,所以两人之间常常产生心灵感应,因此闹出了不少的笑话。
类型:动画片 集数:高清年份:2024别名:LegrandpartyANNUeldescréaturesdelaLune|TheGreatANNUalPartyoftheCreaturesoftheMoon,Suurkuuolenditeaastapidu
简介:Humans have finally left the moon! LET'S PARTY! A cheerful film created on a pinscreen.
类型:海外剧 集数:连载中待更新年份:2011别名:46thANNUalAcademyofCountryMusicAwards
类型:海外剧 集数:8集全年份:2001别名:TheArmandoIANNUcciShows
简介:Each episode is themed around a certain subject. The following episode order is according to the DVD which had its contents significantly reshuffled from the original broadcast timeline.Episode 1 - TwatsArmando worries about looking like a twat in front of other people. He worries about what other people think about him, judging him by his appearance, what he thinks and his lack of football knowledge. He even worries about a man known for telling brilliant jokes, who is appearing at his next dinner party and in front of whom he may appear foolish.Episode 2 - WorkArmando claims that almost everyone made a wrong decision around eight years ago, which explains why they end up with terrible jobs. From clowns becoming teachers, to sniffer dogs deciding to go to Bangkok on an impulse, it appears the only person Armando knows who truly likes their job is his barber.Episode 3 - CommunicationArmando realises that most people do not talk to each other, which is why people end up going to landfills after nailing themselves into DIY cupboards. More problems arise in the form of racist police horses, and even a bride using a racist accent during her marriage to her Indian husband.Episode 4 - ImaginationArmando believes that the imagination is a wonderful thing, allowing us to come up with any image, such as the cast of Cats being shot at dawn. Everyone attempts to try to become more imaginative, such as profane gardening and improving suicide notes. However, the greatest worry is people starving to death due to there being too many golf sales.This episode was originally aired last in the series, providing a surprisingly fitting conclusion in which Armando, by taunting animals with various human inventions, seems to have accidentally taught them how to take over the world.Episode 5 - Time PassingWith time passing ever more quickly, Armando worries about growing older. He admires Hugh for keeping the past alive, but panics about tuing into one of the old men with bushy eyebrows that gave him nightmares as a child. Only one man can save children in later life - "Armando - The Great Adult!"Episode 6 - NeighboursArmando wants to know what his neighbours are really like. He discovers what they think of each other, their prejudices, and one woman's experience with her stolen dresses, now being wo by people like Eddie Izzard. Even neighbours from outer space can be very rude.Episode 7 - MoralityArmando is worried about people's morality. Whilst one priest inspires his congregation so much they will not leave him alone, another shows poographic masses. Armando starts to wonder if there is anything we do which is not evil, as he discovers when some protesters attack him for putting something in someone else's bin.Episode 8 - RealityArmando has trouble sleeping, from his fridge making a sound of a trumpet, being beaten up by an intruder, and his recurring nightmare involving his most dreaded expression, "Except for those viewers in Scotland, who have their own programming."
类型:海外剧 集数:完结集全年份:2009别名:Kuulustelu|TheInterrogation
简介:Finnish Kerttu Nuorteva is spying for the Russians in Helsinki during World War II. She is arrested and interrogated in the hope that she will uncover the Soviet Union espionage tactics.
类型:喜剧片 集数:高清年份:1953别名:浪漫假期地|金枝玉叶(港)
类型:动作片 集数:高清年份:2017别名:宝贝计划2:邻家特工
类型:欧美剧 集数:已完结年份:2022别名:一猎钟情|初杀戮
简介:第一次,总是刻骨铭心。吸血鬼少女茱丽叶准备出手猎杀第一个猎物。她锁定新搬来镇上、名叫克莱欧佩的女孩。然而出乎她意料,克莱欧碧居然是吸血鬼猎人。茱丽叶和克莱欧碧都发现,对方不是容易解决的对手,却是容易倾心的对象…… 《一猎钟情》第 1 季将于 6 月 10 日首播,Netflix 独家。
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2019别名:西比勒|寂寞诊疗室
简介:维尔日妮·埃菲拉、阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯、加斯帕德·尤利尔、尼尔斯·施内德、桑德拉·惠勒、劳尔·卡拉米、保罗·艾米主演,贾斯汀·楚特执导的第三部长片[西比勒]即将在美国电影市场开始销售,首张剧照同时释出。影片剧本由楚特撰写,编剧老搭档阿图·阿拉里提供部分建议。故事围绕西比勒展开,她从一个小说家转变为精神分析师,并在过去十年中一直致力于精神分析。然而在再度开始写作的欲望驱使下,她决定让她的大部分病人离开。当西比勒寻求创作灵感时,年轻女人玛格特在一个夜晚与她联系,祈求去见西比勒,西比勒最终表示同意。然而玛格特所诉说的内容,彻底把西比勒的生活颠覆。影片于去年夏天在法国巴黎、里昂,意大利斯特龙博利岛等地极其秘密地开始拍摄,并将于2019年第二季度正式完成。Le Pacte负责本片法国发行,mk2负责国际版权销售。
类型:喜剧片 集数:高清年份:2013别名:疯狂家庭2
简介:剧情接着上一部继续发展,原本弃恶从良的德兰和盖乔德,又背着帕兰维尔重操诈骗的旧业。这次诈骗场景搬到英国,却意外遇到帕兰维尔,但父子俩并没有因此放弃诈骗计划,盖乔德和帕兰维尔还同时追求一个女孩。 帕兰维尔要如何让德兰和盖乔德再次弃恶从良?兄弟俩是否能找到真爱?
类型:剧情片 集数:高清年份:2011别名:我的夫君
简介:A couple truly in love get married. On the day of marriage just after the ritual due to a stupid reason an argument sparks, egoes crash which turns into violence. The couple separates. How they finally unite is rest of the movie.