类型:欧美剧 集数:10集全年份:2022别名:养育者第三季|小儿难养
简介:Breeders Season 3 starts with Paul having moved out and staying at Leah’s house. He should be lonely but the simpler life has its appeal. Meanwhile, Ally has her own problems with work, her early menopause and her increasingly strained relationship with her newly adolescent daughter. Gallows humor and large glasses of wine only go so far in quelling the angst...
类型:纪录片 集数:高清年份:2018别名:格鲁吉亚商人|交易员
简介:塔姆塔·加布里奇兹的纪录片《交易员》获得圣丹斯电影节大奖 电影制作人塔姆塔·加布里奇兹的纪录片《交易员》在周二的圣丹斯电影节上获得了短片评委会大奖。 这位年轻导演的短片从上周开始在圣丹斯放映了三次。本月早些时候,这部短片被电影平台Netflix选择在全球发行。 这是圣丹斯短片奖获奖影片之一,电影节将持续到周日。 这名商人也叫索夫达加里,他跟随主角吉拉穿越格鲁吉亚的乡村,从他的面包车后座上卖二手衣服和日常用品。 吉拉在乡村和城镇做生意,那里的主要交易货币是土豆,而不是钱。 老老少少都盯着他的卡车,看到海绵和毛刷等现代化的便利设施,他们的眼睛都亮了起来。这是一个将乡村价值与城市价值、污垢与黄金进行对比的谜题。 这部纪录片由伊利亚·塔夫贝里兹制作,被圣丹斯电影节2018年的短片项目选中,该项目重点关注女性电影制作人。 本届电影节的奖项是继2017年加拿大纪录片节最佳短片奖之后的第二个亮点。 这是Gabrichidze的第五部作品。2009年,Gabrichidze导演了以《自然女士》为开端的短片和纪录片。
类型:剧情片 集数:已完结年份:1979别名:19世纪格鲁吉亚编年史|The19thCenturyGeorgianChronicle
简介:Like most of the cinematographies in the world, Georgian cinema witnessed, in the mid-20th century, the appearance of a distinguished generation of filmmakers. Some years after the great waves taught in film books, the films by filmmakers from the region started being part of the programs of the most important festivals. One of those was the first feature by Rekhviashvili, one ... Like most of the cinematographies in the world, Georgian cinema witnessed, in the mid-20th century, the appearance of a distinguished generation of filmmakers. Some years after the great waves taught in film books, the films by filmmakers from the region started being part of the programs of the most important festivals. One of those was the first feature by Rekhviashvili, one of the cases in which the formalism of the time crossed paths with a filmmaker preoccupied by politics, ethics and the arrival of modernization. Told from the perspective of a young student who returns to his native Georgia, the film shows the struggle of the people against a foreign company that tries to exploit the natural resources of their lands for commercial purposes. A historical, anachronistic study on bureaucracy, patriotism, solidarity and the bond between man and nature. 源自:https:\/\/www.mardelplatafilmfest.com\/38\/en\/pelicula\/the-georgian-chronicle-of-the-19th-century
类型:欧美剧 集数:8集全年份:2021别名:尝试第二季|家·多点尝试
简介: 第二季讲述尼基和杰森继续在领养过程中摸索。在被领养小组批准后,他们意识到与孩子的匹配并不像他们所希望的那样简单。
类型:欧美剧 集数:16集全年份:2019别名:诡媚海妖第二季|海妖
简介:Freeform的新剧《#诡媚海妖# Siren》获续订第二季,而且第二季的集数为16集,比首季的10集来得多。
类型:喜剧片 集数:已完结年份:2015别名:爱情魔咒