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类型:欧美剧 集数:22集全年份:1987别名:侠胆雄狮第一季|美女与野兽
简介:凯瑟琳是一位精明强干的律师,某日,她遭到了歹徒袭击,身负重伤,昏倒在公园下水道里。就在这时,一名长着狮头的怪异男子出现了,他将凯瑟琳带回了自己位于底下的家中,细心地照料她的伤势。原来男子名叫文森特,在地下还生活着很多和他一样的人。   随着时间的推移,凯瑟琳渐渐爱上了温柔善良的文森特,而文森特亦是如此,两人难舍难分,然而,凯瑟琳必须回到属于她的地上世界。这段地下经历改编了凯瑟琳的人生观,之后,她成为了一名庭审律师和调查员,特殊的职业让凯瑟琳的生活充满了危险,然而,每一次,默默守护着她的文森特都会在紧急时刻现身,拯救爱人于水火之中。
类型:科幻片 集数:高清年份:2030别名:疯狂山脉
简介:The story is recalled in a first-person perspective by the geologist William Dyer, a professor at Arkham's Miskatonic University, in the hope to prevent an important and much publicized scientific expedition to Antarctica. Throughout the course of his m.77mi.cc explanation, Dyer relates how he led a group of scholars from Miskatonic University on a previous expedition to Antarctica, during which they discovered ancient ruins and a dangerous secret, beyond a range of mountains higher than the Himalayas. A small advance group, led by Professor Lake, discovers the remains of fourteen prehistoric life-forms, previously unknown to science, and also unidentifiable as either plants or animals. Six of the specimens have been badly damaged, while another eight have been preserved in pristine condition. The specimens' stratum places them far too early on the geologic time scale for the features of the specimens to have evolved. Some fossils of Cambrian age show signs of the use of tools to carve a specimen for food. When the main expedition loses contact with Lake's party, Dyer and his colleagues investigate. Lake's camp is devastated, with the majority of men and dogs slaughtered, while a man named Gedney and one of the dogs are absent. Near the expedition's campsite, they find six star-shaped snow mounds with one specimen under each. They also discover that the better preserved life-forms have vanished, and that some form of dissection experiment has been done on both an unnamed man and a dog. The missing man is suspected of having gone utterly insane and having killed and mutilated all the others. Dyer and a graduate student, named Danforth, fly an aeroplane across the mountains, which they identify as the outer walls of a vast abandoned stone-city, alien to any human architecture. For their resemblance to creatures of myth mentioned in the Necronomicon, the builders of this lost civilization are dubbed the "Elder Things". By exploring these fantastic structures, the men learn through hieroglyphic murals that the Elder Things first came to Earth shortly after the Moon took form and built their cities with the help of "shoggoths" — biological entities created to perform any task, assume any form, and reflect any thought. There is a hint that all earthly life evolved from cellular material left over from the creation of the shoggoths. As more buildings are explored, the explorers learn about the Elder Things' conflict with both the Star-spawn of Cthulhu and the Mi-go, who arrived on Earth shortly afterwards. The images also reflect a degradation of their civilization, once the shoggoths gain independence. As more resources are applied in maintaining order, the etchings become haphazard and primitive. The murals also allude to an unnamed evil lurking within an even larger mountain range located beyond the city. This mountain range rose in one night and certain phenomena and incidents deterred the Elder Things from exploring it. When Antarctica became uninhabitable, even for the Elder Things, they soon migrated into a large, subterranean ocean. Dyer and Danforth eventually realize that the Elder Things missing from the advance party's camp had somehow returned to life and, after slaughtering the explorers, have returned to their city. Dyer and Danforth also discover traces of the Elder Things' earlier exploration, as well as sleds containing the corpses of both Gedney and his missing dog. They are ultimately drawn towards the entrance of a tunnel, into the subterranean region depicted in the murals. Here, they find evidence of various Elder Things killed in a brutal struggle and blind six-foot-tall penguins wandering placidly, apparently used as livestock. They are then confronted by a black, bubbling mass, which they identify as a shoggoth, and escape. Aboard the plane, high above the plateau, Danforth looks back and sees something which causes him to lose his own sanity, implied to be the unnamed evil itself. Dyer concludes the Elder Things slaughtered the survivors and dogs only out of self-defense or scientific curiosity, that their civilization was eventually destroyed by the shoggoths and that this further entity has preyed on the enormous penguins. He warns the planners of the next proposed Antarctic expedition to stay distant from the site.
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2012别名:劫车
简介:一部更加刺激的惊悚片,今年隆重上映" 两次金球奖提名,《头号疑犯》的玛利亚·贝罗担任主演罗琳:一位饱受压力的单身母亲,受到前夫虐待的困扰,辛苦抚养8岁的儿子.她和儿子的世界被银行抢劫在逃犯劫车以后瞬间被改变,他想重新得到自己的战利品.但是罗琳拒绝成为他的受害者.她准备控制然后反击.今夜,她为了生存做的事情,即将引领最让人震惊的犯罪.乔安娜·卡西迪与凯瑟琳·丹特联袂出演这部紧张的动作惊悚片
类型:动画片 集数:高清年份:2016别名:霍华德的冰森雪国|怪奇小子之冰雪王國
简介:自阿卡漢瘋人院探望父親回來以後,浩爾不顧父親的警告,利用死靈之書打開一條通道,意外來到了住著恐怖怪物且危機重重的冰天雪地。   他在那裡認識了怪物小斑,並很快地建立起友誼,一起找尋浩爾回家的辦法,殊不知他們其實正一步步,踏入冰雪王國統治者冰后釋放宇宙毀滅者的邪惡計畫中。
类型:动画片 集数:高清年份:2006别名:地狱男爵动画版:风暴之剑
简介:一个研究民间传说的教授打开了一本禁书, 被日本古代的雷电邪神占据了,邪神 一心想要回到并统治世界. 超能力研究防御局派地狱男孩和一组特工区调查这件案子, 进行过程中, 当地狱男孩拿起一把武士刀时,他进入了充满了日本传说的世界, 这个世界充满了各种各样的鬼魂和怪兽. 特工Kate Corrigan和Russell Thorne开始跟踪被控制的教授想要找到并将地狱男孩带回到人类世界.
类型:动画片 集数:高清年份:2007别名:地狱男爵动画版:铁血惊魂
类型:恐怖片 集数:高清年份:2006别名:叛逆女巫|5女战恶魔
简介:五个女巫,五种力量,一个恶魔   Mark街的天主教女子学校自从一名年轻的学生无影无踪地突然消失以后就被关闭和废弃了。但是在13年以后,在一名专横跋扈的女校长和一名有着麻烦过去牧师的领导下,这所学校重新开启。现在,五名叛逆的学生因被学校要求自我赎回而被关押起来。当这些女孩子团结起来试图利用各自的超能力逃跑时,她们意识到,为了生存,她们必须同远古邪灵及它所奴役的学校做殊死搏斗。
类型:喜剧片 集数:已完结年份:2009别名:任务|特殊雇主